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1. ePRI4ALL. Open and digital resources for primary school principals to support inclusive education through online learning

Bando e linea: Erasmus + (KA2) 
durata: 2  anni (2022-24)
PI del progetto: prof.ssa Rita Bertozzi
Università, centri o altri partner coinvolti: Università di Almeria, –National Centre for Social Research EKKE (Grecia), DANMAR COMPUTERS (Polonia)

Abstract del progetto:

Responding to the real needs of school principals, the project aims to further strengthen the continuous professional development of principals as advisors to the teaching staff of their school institutions, through the development and open availability of innovative training resources. The project integrates innovative learning outcomes, including: online and inclusive education; motivational and training strategies for online and distance learning; management and guidance knowledge, skills and competences; and skills to meet students needs. The project pays particular attention to the challenges of disadvantaged students (students with a migrant background, minority groups).

2. Inclusive memory. Inclusive Museums for well-being and health through the creation of a new shared memory

Bando e linea: Erasmus + (KA2) 
durata: 3 anni 
PI del progetto: dott.ssa Sezzi Annalisa
Università, centri o altri partner coinvolti: Universidad Nacional De Educacion A Distancia (Spain), ZèTema Progetto Cultura Srl (Italy), Universidade Aberta (Portugal), HáSkóLi Islands (Iceland), Inter Alia (Greece), Institut Catala De La Salut (Spain)

Abstract del progetto: 

The Inclusive Memory project aims at promoting the building of a common shared social memory realised through a museum based social inclusive system, through the link Art-Health-Wellbeing. The core idea of the project stems from the potential benefits of the cooperation between HEIs, Health and Social care Institutions and Museums, as a strategic partnership to advance in museum
education as well as in museum experience in order to support the design, realization, monitoring and evaluation of art-based activities and actions specifically addressed to people with social care and health problems.

In particular, it wants to promote an innovative strategy for social inclusion, derived from the creation of a new teaching methodology, the use of digital tools and based on the development of transverse competences in both university teachers, students museum users, thus promoting well-being, health and social inclusion.