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Lesson Semesters

Classes are held six days a week (Monday to Saturday).

Study Program 



Primary Education Sciences

1st year
30/09/2024 - 21/12/2024


2nd, 3rd year
23/09/2024 - 14/12/2024


4th e 5th year
23/09/2024 - 21/12/2024

24/02/2025 – 01/06/2025

Education Sciences for Nursery and Socio-Pedagogical Professions

1st year and 3rd year
23/09/2024 - 21/12/2024


2nd year

23/09/2024 - 14/12/2024

24/02/2025 – 31/05/2025

Pedagogical Sciences

23/09/2024 - 21/12/2024

24/02/2025 – 31/05/2025

Media Education for Literary Disciplines and Publishing

23/09/2024 - 21/12/2024

24/02/2025 – 31/05/2025

Theories and Methodologies of Digital Learning23/09/2024 - 21/12/202424/02/2025 – 31/05/2025

In past years, the recovery week has been included in the semester as, due to various needs (interruptions decided by the University), courses could not be completed within the natural end of the semester, which is effectively moved.

The start and end dates of the semesters in the above table may not coincide with the actual start and end of lessons but indicate the period in which the teachings may take place.

The actual dates are available in the class schedule.

  • November 1, 2024
  • November 24, 2024 (Patron Saint of RE)
  • December 8, 2024
  • December 23, 2023 to January 6, 2024 (Christmas Holidays)
  • April 18 - 22, 2025 (Easter Holidays)
  • April 25-26, 2025
  • May 1-3, 2025
  • June 2, 2025

Class Suspensions (intensive week of indirect internship for Primary Education Sciences)

  • November 11-18, 2024
  • April 14-17, 2025
  • April 23 - 24, 2025
Meetings with Students

Study Program

Date and Time


Primary Education Sciences - Laboratory Meeting for 2nd Year Students

05/10/2023 - 14:00

Room L1.4, Viale Timavo, 93 - Reggio Emilia

Primary Education Sciences - Erasmus Meeting

02/10/2023 - 11:30

Room L0.2a+b, Viale Timavo, 93 - Reggio Emilia

Presentation of elective courses for all Study Programs



Internship Meetings

2nd year of Primary Education Sciences have an intensive week of indirect internship activities: December 16-21, in the morning or afternoon. Additional meetings will be announced by the SFP Internship Office.

3rd year of Primary Education Sciences, indirect training activities will begin at November 2024, according to a schedule that will be communicated by the Internship Office.

4th year of Primary Education Sciences, indirect training activities will begin at September 2024, according to a schedule that will be communicated by the Internship Office.

5th year of Primary Education Sciences, indirect training activities will begin at the end of September 2024, according to a schedule that will be communicated by the Internship Office.

2nd year of Education Sciences for Nursery and Socio-Pedagogical Professions: December 17-19, 2024.

1st and 2nd year of Pedagogical Sciences: November 7, 2024 (afternoon).

1st and 2nd year of Media Education for Literary Disciplines and Publishing: monday 20/01/2025 at 17.00 the meeting will take place exclusively in live streaming and will be recorded, you can participate by clicking on the link below:

Media Education meeting for literary disciplines and publishing


*On the days of internship meetings, the educational activities of the involved cohorts will be suspended.