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Department Bodies and Contacts

Prof.ssa Contini

Prof. Annamaria CONTINI 

Full Professor of Aesthetics 

Office: RE-18-02-003 

Phone: +39 0522 523620 

Prof. Melloni

Deputy Director:
Prof. Alberto MELLONI 

Full Professor of History of Christianity 

Office: RE-18-02-003 

Phone: +39 0522 523107 

Titolo card wrapper
Department Bodies
consiglio di dipartimento
Department Council

The Department Council consists of full and associate professors, university researchers and representatives of: PhD students and research fellows, students, technical-administrative staff and employees with continuous and coordinated contracts (

Department Board

The Department Board consists of: Annamaria Contini (Director), Alberto Melloni, Stefano Calabrese, Giorgio Zanetti, Chiara Bertolini, Antonio Gariboldi, Nicola Barbieri, Favilla Maria Elena, Andrea Mariuzzo, Roberta Mineo, Maria Donata Panforti, Federico Ruozzi, Alex Borghi, Veronica Cannone.

commissione paritetica
Joint Teaching Staff-Student Committee

The Joint Teaching Staff-Student Committee consists of an equal number of teachers and students, representing all Degree Programmes of the Department. It is chaired and coordinated by a professor chosen among the Committee members. To ensure impartiality, Degree Programmes Presidents, QA Group members, Department Directors/Faculty Presidents, Department Quality Supervisors, and departmental Quality Commission members cannot be part of the Joint Teaching Staff-Student Committee.

Rappresentanti degli studenti
Student representatives

Student representatives activate a reception service open to all students of the Department of Education and Human Sciences.

Degree Programme


Bachelor's degree programme in Education for Early Childhood Services 

and Socio-Pedagogical Context

Antonio Gariboldi

Single-cycle degree programme in Primary Teacher Education

Chiara Bertolini

Master's degree programme in Pedagogy

Giorgio Zanetti

Master's degree programme in Media education in humanities and publishing

Stefano Calabrese

Master's degree programme  in Digital learning theories and methodologies

Liliana Silva

Inter-university Master's degree programme in Philosophy with the University of Parma and the University of Ferrara

Wolfgang Huemer (unipr)

Inter-university Master's degree programme in Religions, Histories, Cultures

with the University of Bologna and the Theological Faculty of Emilia Romagna

Cristiana Facchini (unibo)

  • Delegate for Teaching: Nicola Barbieri
  • Delegate for Research: Andrea Mariuzzo
  • Delegate for Third Mission: Federico Ruozzi
  • Delegate for Equal Opportunities: Maria Donata Panforti
  • Department Quality Supervisor: Maria Elena Favilla
  • Delegate for Internationalization: Roberta Mineo
  • Delegate for Disabilities and Specific Learning Disorders: Paola Damiani
  • Delegate for Student Orientation and Tutoring: Tiziana Altiero
  • Delegate for Work Placement: Carlo Altini
  • Delegate for Communication: Federico Ruozzi
  • Delegate for Department Sustainability: Tiziana Altiero
  • Delegate for Department Security: Michela Maschietto

Erasmus Commission

The Erasmus Commission was appointed in its current composition in the Department Council of March 27th, 2023: Roberta Mineo (President), Rita Bertozzi, Francesco Borghesi, Annalisa Sezzi, Cinzia Maria Braglia.

Teaching Contracts Evaluation Commission

The Teaching Contracts Evaluation Commission was appointed in its current composition in the Department Council of March 22nd, 2023: Giorgio Zanetti (President), Gian Antonio Di Bernardo, Annalisa Sezzi, Cinzia Valente.

DESU PhD Coordination Commission

The DESU PhD Coordination Commission was appointed in its current composition in the Department Council of November 2023: Carlo Altini, Federico Ruozzi, Andrea Mariuzzo, Lorenzo Manera, Roberta Mineo, Laura Righi.
